Discipline Rules

Rules of Discipline

Before we can discipline students, the students need to understand what is expected of them. Creating a set of rules or expectations and teaching routine are important parts of classroom management. For the students that act out, using body signals or verbal commands can help stop negative behavior while they occur.
Good Suggestions for Improving Discipline
1. Be warm, kind, and friendly–but never familiar.
2. Have rules that are fair and cover all types of subjects.
3. Enforce rules fairly and consistently.
4. Stay in charge.
5. Raise you’re eyebrow–never your voice.
6. Meet students one at a time.
7. Count to five.
8. Keep students busy and involved.

Importance of discipline in school life. Discipline in school life is very important for students. Without learning and the following discipline in school life can cost students later in their career. In school education, discipline is a set of rules & regulations that remind us of the proper code of behavior.
• Treat students with respect.
• Get to know the students.
• Get students engaged and involved.
• Help students work on their social-emotional skills.
• Be fair and consistent.
• Have a positive attitude.
• Circulate around the classroom.
• Don’t humiliate a student.

Rules of the School

  • The students should arrive at the school only around five minutes before the call-bell is rung.
  • Clean and proper School uniform is to be worn on all the school days. A student who is slovenly dressed may be sent home.
  • At the stroke of the first bell, all the students should assemble in their respective class-rooms for attendance after which they should line out for prayer. After the prayer they must return to their respective classes quietly in line.
  • All the students should be keen in keeping their classrooms and the school premises clean and tidy.
  • The students are expected to be disciplined in their general behaviors.
  • Students should behave in a gentle manner wherever they go. They should remember that the school is judged by their conduct. They should greet their seniors, teachers and elders whenever and wherever they meet them.
  • Every student must cover his / her note-books /text books properly in prescribed covers only, and label them positively.
  • Treat others with respect.
  • Take care of yourself.
  • Take care of classroom property.
  • Raise your hand to speak or to get someone’s attention.